Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Technical exercise with a Canon DS1

In a previous exercise we used a flip camera to film tension through a variety of angles and to edit the final product. In this exercise we used a canon ds1 camera to build on the first exercise and learn how to change the depth of field using the apture numbers. Shallow focus is achieved with a low f stop number which would only show what is in focus but everything in the background is blurred, whereas a deep focus shot would be used to everything in focus. In this exercise we were also to take picture and a clip using these techniques and syncing them together. The new camera we used is very a sophisticated piece of technology. Using this camera i found difficult, however adjusting the lens for shallow focus and clear focus was one of the skills i learnt to do. Recording a little clip would have worked if i had checked that we had some memory on the memory card. This exercise helped me understand the basics of operating the camera, though a little more practice is needed to create a product.

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